Thursday, August 20, 2020

UC BROWSER simple and fast browser

 UC Browser is an alternative to the many Internet browsers you can find for Android. It has a simple interface, but this is more than enough to enjoy surfing the web.

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Some of the main features included are the gesture controls that you can use to perform different actions, the ability to quickly switch tabs, and the ability to search via voice commands.

Besides this, UC Browser offers a night mode so that you can browse even without much light and without straining your eyes, something that happens often when you browse too much once in bed. Besides all this, there is a special complement for Facebook that lets you move around the popular social network in a fast and easy way.

Another interesting feature included in UC Browser is the incognito mode. Thanks to this browsing mode, which is similar to Chrome’s incognito function, you can surf the Internet without leaving any trail.

UC Browser is a powerful browser and has a decent set of features, but it doesn’t surpass the best browsers for Android, such as Firefox, Chrome, or Dolphin Browser. The latest updates, nevertheless, make it a solid alternative.
By Laura Del Pino

Now that Q1 of 2018 is up, it's that time to stop and reflect on the patterns we've seen in the data collected over this first quarter of the year. In terms of browsers and their usage among Uptodown users, we've seen a clear trend towards mobile usage and a fairly steep decrease in desktop activity. In fact, 80% of all the traffic generated on Uptodown takes places via mobile devices. Overall, Uptodown saw over 722M sessions from January 1st to April 30th 2018. By segmenting that traffic to analyze browsers and devices users log onto from, we've come up with a few observations.


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